I just want to let everyone know that I will no longer be active on this blog page anymore. I decided that I will stay at YouTube from now on since I am trying to get into show business.
Another reason is, I had trouble accessing this blog for the last few days. They finally fix it and help me get back on again. But during the time I was not able to access, I was doing lots of thinking and I decided to start doing vBlogs instead so I get more recognition.
If you like to see me, I will be at http://www.youtube.com/secrecyguy
I see everyone there. I will also give you update soon about what happen to me on the online dating service. I can tell you this, nothing happen. :(
Friday, May 18, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Looking for someone on Match.com
I decided to sign up for http://www.match.com/. I sign up for 3 months so I see what happens on there. The one drawback I found is, they will not let you post up website addresses. I feel that if you are paying for services there, you should be allowed to do so. Oh well...
Thursday, March 29, 2007
I am not on MySpace that often. I am just there looking for few people. But if you want to know what MySpace address is, it's http://www.myspace.com/craigcchen
My videos on YouTube! :)
Well, I finally upload the 4 videos of myself on YouTube. It's available here. Check it out! :)
The reason I decided to put up my videos is I am trying to get into show business and I am hoping it will help me get there. Anyway, enjoy the videos! You can get more information about the videos and me by checking out my profile and checking out the description for each video. Thanks. :)
The reason I decided to put up my videos is I am trying to get into show business and I am hoping it will help me get there. Anyway, enjoy the videos! You can get more information about the videos and me by checking out my profile and checking out the description for each video. Thanks. :)
Thursday, February 22, 2007
This is just a quick message. I just recently got another job that pay about the same that I used to make. I am happy. I just got a new camcorder and digital camera. I will post more stuff later.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Stolen stuff, lost my job, videos of me, and updates
Recently, someone stole my camcorder and my digital camera. So now I have to replace it.
I also lost my job because we were laid off. We were working on a contract.
In a way, I guess this is a good thing since now I have more time to study in college and complete it this semester. So I am filing for unemployment. I will also be in the process of uploading videos of myself on YouTube soon so keep an eye out for me.
I also updated a few things on the blog page so you may want to revisit some of the entries I made so far. You will know if I update it if you see "UPDATE" toward the end of each of the blog entry.
I also sign up for MySpace. I won't be on it to often, I am only there to look for someone. If you want to know the address, it's http://www.myspace.com/craigcchen
Anyway, I talk to you later.
I also lost my job because we were laid off. We were working on a contract.
In a way, I guess this is a good thing since now I have more time to study in college and complete it this semester. So I am filing for unemployment. I will also be in the process of uploading videos of myself on YouTube soon so keep an eye out for me.
I also updated a few things on the blog page so you may want to revisit some of the entries I made so far. You will know if I update it if you see "UPDATE" toward the end of each of the blog entry.
I also sign up for MySpace. I won't be on it to often, I am only there to look for someone. If you want to know the address, it's http://www.myspace.com/craigcchen
Anyway, I talk to you later.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
A New Ghostbusters Game by Zootfly??
I heard about this new Ghostbusters game that suppose to come out sometime in the future. But is it real? Or is it a fake? I do hope the game is real. It will keep the Ghostbusters name alive for the next generation.
It seems someone heard that there's some talking about it and this person decided to release two more video of the so called "upcoming" video game. Here's the links to the video and pictures.
I really don't have much to say so I will quote what some of the people saying at several Ghostbusters forums. I choose some of the best quotes and post it here.
Found some more information on zootfly. It is a company that make 3D games. So will this be an official ghostbusters 3 game??? Damn I am exiting. This would be great...
Best regards,
- robert knippels
That game play footage you see is a prototype. So things like weapons and such will change, thats just to show the basic game mechanics work to potential investors.
That image on the other hand is an amalgamation of images, I see aspects from gears of war, and various other war games there.
- misfits
im seriously breathless... i need to buy an Xbox 360 or whatever its coming on like right now! *jumps around*
this scares me though, this is just TOO good to be true , perhaps a bit too good,it has to be fake it HAS TO BE. we could be being teased..
- Slimer 388
I agree...but this is a little much for just a joke...maybe it's just a personal side project of some kind?
- the_blessed_freak51
I think that it is possible if we look at all those movie franchises that became games. like jaws unleashed and indiana jones, die hard....
And since it is a company thatmake 3D games...maybe they will bring it out in the future...why do all these work to fake people? Of course I am not totally sure until I have such a game in my hands but who knows...
I will try to search for some more info.
best regards,
- robert knippels
but, this may be just an independent project if anything. or it gets made and wont even see the light of day due to a rights issue, hence why it looks like a Contra 5.
- Slimmer 388
Now, First Battalion was produced by DreamCatcher Games, a Candian based company which partnered with ZootFly... and Painkiller was also a DreamCatcher game... so that gives them a legitimate reason to be promoting a proposal for 'Painkiller 2' with official artwork.
What does that mean? Well, it isn't much but it shows they've had a hand in an official release and have ties with the legitimate games production industry.
Definately a project to keep watch over.
- Kingpin
does anyone notice the 2nd video that when whoever was running, the camera angle is so damn close to Gears of War?
edit: is there anyone who doesn't like the new style of the Neutrona Wand? cause I certainly don't. It's too big. lol.
- Ecto_Plasmic
As I said before, I think it's actually a gears of war mod. if you look at the painting, one of the gears of war bad-guys is poking through the rift.
At worst, it's a technical demo, and not a game. (just something to show off what they can do)
At best, it's a work in progress, so everything you see in the vids are subject to change. It'll probably be a few years before we see anything solid come of this.
- misfit
You know what that Ecto reminds me of?
A deleted concept that was proposed for Ghostbusters II:
(Art by John Bull, featured on Spook Central)
Colour change options are a nice touch (Another thing I would've put into a GB game), and the car now features their 'oirignal' logo.
And that chase film is cool... I hope I'm not reading too much into it, but driving options?
For a simple game concept/proposal, it's still shaping up to be really cool.
- Kingpin
I just heard about this over on Proton Charging.com and watched those You-Tube videos and my jaw hit the floor. That looked amazing! I really don't want to get my hopes up, but if this actually gets made then I'm pumped. I'll definitely buy this if released. I'm really liking that concept art; it looks pretty cool. I really hope this gets made.(crosses figures)
I MUST have that picture on my desktop!
If you look closer, you can even seen Gozer's face in the background in the clouds over the temple.
- Mr. No-Ghost
yeah, that creature you see above the temple is one of the main villains from gears. Also the new logo is more then a little gears of war'ish.
- Rich
Yeah I dunno about you guys but I feel like that's waaayyyy too good to be fan made. And yeah it looks alot like Gears of War, I'll say that too. Dunno could be interesting.
- Master Spider
It's proof-of-concept fishing - meaning, they don't have the license (hence the corrupted GB logo on the side of the car, and no gb logo used in the "ghostbusters" on the image), but think their engine would be perfect for a GB game, and they're shopping it around. Add Bill's face to show how good the characters can look, use a clip of dialogue from the movie to show a cut-scene (note the ABC 7 logo - lifting existing new logos is faster than making a fake one) and you've got a good presentation for a publisher/licence holder.
Plus, dropping those videos on YouTube is a really good way to generate excitement, which you can then point to when arguing your case to SCP.
Very cool stuff - hopefully they're near rather than far from pulling something together, but last I heard, the licence for a GB game wasn't being held by anyone, which would mean there's a long way to go between all this cool stuff.
- Castewar
Yes, I understand - I was giving an example of something that indicates that it's still a very early, very tentative project.
The logo that flashes at the end of the videos are very cool - very underground, like humans are spray painting it on New York walls.
- Castewar
I quite like that little subliminal Ghostbusters logo on the Chrysler's hood badge.
You'd miss it if you weren't looking for it... or had the benfit of an enlarged shot.
- Kingpin
I dunno wouldn't you say the cityscape and such are waaaayyy too developed for something that's just to be shopped around? I mean I know we only have a couple clips to work from but it seems like they poured insane amounts of heart and soul into it...
- Master Spider
It depends on what they're using for an engine - they had a FPS title that got tanked before it was completed. That's an excellent POC base for any similar project. Some people have mentioned a similarity to other games, and while I don't see it, it's possible that they are using someone else's engine for POC purposes (and using any landscape elements that exist in that game.)
A team with an engine and a half-developed project can turn all that into what we see in the video, in six months, no problem.
- Castewar
The 'street' itself seems to be a existing set of buildings that they'd made... you can see almost an identical set being shown in a flash movie on one of the pages of their site... but the 'distant buildings' including the 'signature building' with the portal above it (It kinda looks a bit like the Chrysler Building, actually) definately look like they were created especially for the project.
But that's my two pence...
- Kingpin
It looks like they took alot from ALIENS too, not saying its a bad thing, I kinda like it. SMART Gun proton guns. neat.
- Spade
Like everything else "GB NEW", take it with a grain of salt, don't hold your breath, etc etc.
It could be a mod to an existing game or it could vary well be a game concept to be presented to sony for rights to move forward. Though the whole "Ghost Recon" look of it isn't too appealing. And the Ecto as a Chrysler?
eh, moving on.
- Buster Mike MD
its very interesting....and the figures look like they are aged, the Venkman character has silver/gray hair, very detailed and intense, not sure how i like the equipment yet, with no trap and all......but at least we're going someone rather than backwards....yeah this might not be a full fledged game, but someone had the though to move us into the next positive step.
- ddevil192
I did some googling around, and found that Zootfly is the name of a game company (www.zootfly.com) located in Slovenia, and one of their execs happens to be named Bostjan. They are working on a few games, but their main focus appears to be developing their in house proprietary game engine for licensing to other developers.
As someone who works in the game industry, if you ask me this looks like its a video of a tech demo to show off their engine, that is being "leaked" by the higherups to get some publicity.
I do hope i'm wrong however, and this is a game that they are developing with their new engine, because hot damn i would buy that game in a heartbeat... i mean come on, its ghostbusters meets "breakin' stuff"
And it seems to stay fairly true to the spirit of the original... at least thte limited amount that you get to see.
- darcjedi
The guys at GBHQ have done a little digging, Castewar has found out the .PDF where the concept image came from was created around June 11th of last year... we've debated it there and I think it's fair to say the image is a production design... given how some elements are still a little raw, and the monster viable in the portal is a graphic use from Gears of War (My theory being that they used a GoW monster because they either didn't have any finished monster models at that point or they wated to get a particular effect).
The descriptions for the videos say that this is supposedly a game prototype, however Cas figures like others have said here that it's a sort of proposal file... show it to Sony, hopefully get them salivating and do the deal.
Of course, it'd be nice if... finally, a full blown Ghostbusters game emerged from it.
- Kingpin
that image is most likely just a paintover. we do it all the time... you take a bunch of photo elements, collage them together, and then just paint over them to blend them all together. that would explain the GoW monster, the photo looking ecto1, and the fact that it looks like winston is wearing the slime blower on his back. actually all the guys are probably just taken from different screenshots from the two films.
And in the game industry, that is all a prototype is... a proposal. it doesnt necessarily mean there is a game in production or anything. when you are an independant studio, you come up with an idea for a game, then you build a prototype to shop around to publishers, looking for someone to bankroll your project... well, unless you are id software or epic games, then you pretty much do what you want.
- darcjedi
Ditto what darcjedi wrote. I'm a writer/designer in the games industry and this is typical "proof of concept" stuff. Perhaps it was leaked to gauge interest?
That said, I wouldn't get my hopes up for a GB game. At least not a triple-A one. I've got some insight into how publishers look at licenses (the company I work for is owned by one of the big publishers) and I doubt that the license has enough mass-appeal for a game. A movie maybe, but not a game. I'd really like to see one... I might even like to work on it under specific circumstances (new IPs usually offer more creative freedom than licenses) but I don't see it happening unless it was a low-budget console title. Maybe something for the PSP or NDS.
If there were to be a game, I'd really hate it if they tried to "modernize" it to make it "hip". The equipment for example- the reason it's so cool is that it doesn't look like weapons or things. The GBs themselves look more like plumbers than soldiers... and that's what's so cool. Sure, I could go with Egon dropping a joke about "needing some serious hardware" but I don't want to play "Ghostbusters 40K" or "Gears of Ghostbusters".
/Joe F
- Joatrash
More of a mod for Half Life 2. Looks really good, though! I'll do some digging and see if I can find a demo of it.
- phantom50
Dude! that WAS a dodge Magnum ectomobile! It's a complete modified dodge magnum, complete with limo sides that open, and a chrysler 300 front end. Makes ya wonder what happened to the original? Maybe stepped on by a giant J. Edgar Hoover
- Ecto96
they must've gotten the idea from Overhaulin' a tv show here where they 'steal' a car in order to give it an overhaul. In the one episode they stole an 05 magnum, and exchanged noses with a 300 chrysler, as they esentially are the same, bolt ups and otherwise, because the 'mark' as they call them said they liked the styling of the 300 better. It's still an original idea, and the parts swap out 1 2 3 lol.
- Ecto96
They sell them in Europe:
- AJ Quick
[ UPDATE : 1-31-2007 ] Turns out that game is real after all. If you want more information, go to http://www.zootfly.com/
key search words : sony ghostbusters ghostbuster video game video games zoot fly zootfly new york ny ghost ghosts ray bill murray ecto ecto 1 ecto 1a
It seems someone heard that there's some talking about it and this person decided to release two more video of the so called "upcoming" video game. Here's the links to the video and pictures.
I really don't have much to say so I will quote what some of the people saying at several Ghostbusters forums. I choose some of the best quotes and post it here.
Found some more information on zootfly. It is a company that make 3D games. So will this be an official ghostbusters 3 game??? Damn I am exiting. This would be great...
Best regards,
- robert knippels
That game play footage you see is a prototype. So things like weapons and such will change, thats just to show the basic game mechanics work to potential investors.
That image on the other hand is an amalgamation of images, I see aspects from gears of war, and various other war games there.
- misfits
im seriously breathless... i need to buy an Xbox 360 or whatever its coming on like right now! *jumps around*
this scares me though, this is just TOO good to be true , perhaps a bit too good,it has to be fake it HAS TO BE. we could be being teased..
- Slimer 388
I agree...but this is a little much for just a joke...maybe it's just a personal side project of some kind?
- the_blessed_freak51
I think that it is possible if we look at all those movie franchises that became games. like jaws unleashed and indiana jones, die hard....
And since it is a company thatmake 3D games...maybe they will bring it out in the future...why do all these work to fake people? Of course I am not totally sure until I have such a game in my hands but who knows...
I will try to search for some more info.
best regards,
- robert knippels
but, this may be just an independent project if anything. or it gets made and wont even see the light of day due to a rights issue, hence why it looks like a Contra 5.
- Slimmer 388
Now, First Battalion was produced by DreamCatcher Games, a Candian based company which partnered with ZootFly... and Painkiller was also a DreamCatcher game... so that gives them a legitimate reason to be promoting a proposal for 'Painkiller 2' with official artwork.
What does that mean? Well, it isn't much but it shows they've had a hand in an official release and have ties with the legitimate games production industry.
Definately a project to keep watch over.
- Kingpin
does anyone notice the 2nd video that when whoever was running, the camera angle is so damn close to Gears of War?
edit: is there anyone who doesn't like the new style of the Neutrona Wand? cause I certainly don't. It's too big. lol.
- Ecto_Plasmic
As I said before, I think it's actually a gears of war mod. if you look at the painting, one of the gears of war bad-guys is poking through the rift.
At worst, it's a technical demo, and not a game. (just something to show off what they can do)
At best, it's a work in progress, so everything you see in the vids are subject to change. It'll probably be a few years before we see anything solid come of this.
- misfit
You know what that Ecto reminds me of?
A deleted concept that was proposed for Ghostbusters II:
(Art by John Bull, featured on Spook Central)
Colour change options are a nice touch (Another thing I would've put into a GB game), and the car now features their 'oirignal' logo.
And that chase film is cool... I hope I'm not reading too much into it, but driving options?
For a simple game concept/proposal, it's still shaping up to be really cool.
- Kingpin
I just heard about this over on Proton Charging.com and watched those You-Tube videos and my jaw hit the floor. That looked amazing! I really don't want to get my hopes up, but if this actually gets made then I'm pumped. I'll definitely buy this if released. I'm really liking that concept art; it looks pretty cool. I really hope this gets made.(crosses figures)
I MUST have that picture on my desktop!
If you look closer, you can even seen Gozer's face in the background in the clouds over the temple.
- Mr. No-Ghost
yeah, that creature you see above the temple is one of the main villains from gears. Also the new logo is more then a little gears of war'ish.
- Rich
Yeah I dunno about you guys but I feel like that's waaayyyy too good to be fan made. And yeah it looks alot like Gears of War, I'll say that too. Dunno could be interesting.
- Master Spider
It's proof-of-concept fishing - meaning, they don't have the license (hence the corrupted GB logo on the side of the car, and no gb logo used in the "ghostbusters" on the image), but think their engine would be perfect for a GB game, and they're shopping it around. Add Bill's face to show how good the characters can look, use a clip of dialogue from the movie to show a cut-scene (note the ABC 7 logo - lifting existing new logos is faster than making a fake one) and you've got a good presentation for a publisher/licence holder.
Plus, dropping those videos on YouTube is a really good way to generate excitement, which you can then point to when arguing your case to SCP.
Very cool stuff - hopefully they're near rather than far from pulling something together, but last I heard, the licence for a GB game wasn't being held by anyone, which would mean there's a long way to go between all this cool stuff.
- Castewar
Yes, I understand - I was giving an example of something that indicates that it's still a very early, very tentative project.
The logo that flashes at the end of the videos are very cool - very underground, like humans are spray painting it on New York walls.
- Castewar
I quite like that little subliminal Ghostbusters logo on the Chrysler's hood badge.
You'd miss it if you weren't looking for it... or had the benfit of an enlarged shot.
- Kingpin
I dunno wouldn't you say the cityscape and such are waaaayyy too developed for something that's just to be shopped around? I mean I know we only have a couple clips to work from but it seems like they poured insane amounts of heart and soul into it...
- Master Spider
It depends on what they're using for an engine - they had a FPS title that got tanked before it was completed. That's an excellent POC base for any similar project. Some people have mentioned a similarity to other games, and while I don't see it, it's possible that they are using someone else's engine for POC purposes (and using any landscape elements that exist in that game.)
A team with an engine and a half-developed project can turn all that into what we see in the video, in six months, no problem.
- Castewar
The 'street' itself seems to be a existing set of buildings that they'd made... you can see almost an identical set being shown in a flash movie on one of the pages of their site... but the 'distant buildings' including the 'signature building' with the portal above it (It kinda looks a bit like the Chrysler Building, actually) definately look like they were created especially for the project.
But that's my two pence...
- Kingpin
It looks like they took alot from ALIENS too, not saying its a bad thing, I kinda like it. SMART Gun proton guns. neat.
- Spade
Like everything else "GB NEW", take it with a grain of salt, don't hold your breath, etc etc.
It could be a mod to an existing game or it could vary well be a game concept to be presented to sony for rights to move forward. Though the whole "Ghost Recon" look of it isn't too appealing. And the Ecto as a Chrysler?
eh, moving on.
- Buster Mike MD
its very interesting....and the figures look like they are aged, the Venkman character has silver/gray hair, very detailed and intense, not sure how i like the equipment yet, with no trap and all......but at least we're going someone rather than backwards....yeah this might not be a full fledged game, but someone had the though to move us into the next positive step.
- ddevil192
I did some googling around, and found that Zootfly is the name of a game company (www.zootfly.com) located in Slovenia, and one of their execs happens to be named Bostjan. They are working on a few games, but their main focus appears to be developing their in house proprietary game engine for licensing to other developers.
As someone who works in the game industry, if you ask me this looks like its a video of a tech demo to show off their engine, that is being "leaked" by the higherups to get some publicity.
I do hope i'm wrong however, and this is a game that they are developing with their new engine, because hot damn i would buy that game in a heartbeat... i mean come on, its ghostbusters meets "breakin' stuff"
And it seems to stay fairly true to the spirit of the original... at least thte limited amount that you get to see.
- darcjedi
The guys at GBHQ have done a little digging, Castewar has found out the .PDF where the concept image came from was created around June 11th of last year... we've debated it there and I think it's fair to say the image is a production design... given how some elements are still a little raw, and the monster viable in the portal is a graphic use from Gears of War (My theory being that they used a GoW monster because they either didn't have any finished monster models at that point or they wated to get a particular effect).
The descriptions for the videos say that this is supposedly a game prototype, however Cas figures like others have said here that it's a sort of proposal file... show it to Sony, hopefully get them salivating and do the deal.
Of course, it'd be nice if... finally, a full blown Ghostbusters game emerged from it.
- Kingpin
that image is most likely just a paintover. we do it all the time... you take a bunch of photo elements, collage them together, and then just paint over them to blend them all together. that would explain the GoW monster, the photo looking ecto1, and the fact that it looks like winston is wearing the slime blower on his back. actually all the guys are probably just taken from different screenshots from the two films.
And in the game industry, that is all a prototype is... a proposal. it doesnt necessarily mean there is a game in production or anything. when you are an independant studio, you come up with an idea for a game, then you build a prototype to shop around to publishers, looking for someone to bankroll your project... well, unless you are id software or epic games, then you pretty much do what you want.
- darcjedi
Ditto what darcjedi wrote. I'm a writer/designer in the games industry and this is typical "proof of concept" stuff. Perhaps it was leaked to gauge interest?
That said, I wouldn't get my hopes up for a GB game. At least not a triple-A one. I've got some insight into how publishers look at licenses (the company I work for is owned by one of the big publishers) and I doubt that the license has enough mass-appeal for a game. A movie maybe, but not a game. I'd really like to see one... I might even like to work on it under specific circumstances (new IPs usually offer more creative freedom than licenses) but I don't see it happening unless it was a low-budget console title. Maybe something for the PSP or NDS.
If there were to be a game, I'd really hate it if they tried to "modernize" it to make it "hip". The equipment for example- the reason it's so cool is that it doesn't look like weapons or things. The GBs themselves look more like plumbers than soldiers... and that's what's so cool. Sure, I could go with Egon dropping a joke about "needing some serious hardware" but I don't want to play "Ghostbusters 40K" or "Gears of Ghostbusters".
/Joe F
- Joatrash
More of a mod for Half Life 2. Looks really good, though! I'll do some digging and see if I can find a demo of it.
- phantom50
Dude! that WAS a dodge Magnum ectomobile! It's a complete modified dodge magnum, complete with limo sides that open, and a chrysler 300 front end. Makes ya wonder what happened to the original? Maybe stepped on by a giant J. Edgar Hoover

- Ecto96
they must've gotten the idea from Overhaulin' a tv show here where they 'steal' a car in order to give it an overhaul. In the one episode they stole an 05 magnum, and exchanged noses with a 300 chrysler, as they esentially are the same, bolt ups and otherwise, because the 'mark' as they call them said they liked the styling of the 300 better. It's still an original idea, and the parts swap out 1 2 3 lol.
- Ecto96
They sell them in Europe:
- AJ Quick
[ UPDATE : 1-31-2007 ] Turns out that game is real after all. If you want more information, go to http://www.zootfly.com/
key search words : sony ghostbusters ghostbuster video game video games zoot fly zootfly new york ny ghost ghosts ray bill murray ecto ecto 1 ecto 1a
Saturday, January 6, 2007
T-mobile Smartphones
I made a chart comparing all the smart phones by T-mobile. It's available here.
It compares phones by Sidekick 3, Blackberry 8100 (Pearl), Blackberry 8700, SDA, Dash, and MDA.
key search words : t-mobile t mobile side kick sidekick 3 black berry blackberry 8100 pearl 8700 sda dash mda smart phones smartphones phone smartphone side kick 3 black berry 8100 black berry 8700 blackberry 8700 bb sk windows mobile pocket pc
It compares phones by Sidekick 3, Blackberry 8100 (Pearl), Blackberry 8700, SDA, Dash, and MDA.
key search words : t-mobile t mobile side kick sidekick 3 black berry blackberry 8100 pearl 8700 sda dash mda smart phones smartphones phone smartphone side kick 3 black berry 8100 black berry 8700 blackberry 8700 bb sk windows mobile pocket pc
Friday, January 5, 2007
Ghost Ride It By Mistah F.A.B.

(This is a old post I made at Photobucket but I decided to move it here instead)
I was browsing the internet using my Firefox 2.0 and using Trillian (AOLIM client). All of a sudden someone instant message me. He was wondering where he can find an Ectomobile from the movie Ghostbusters because he is making a big production music video. So I told him he can ask Sean for it from http://www.proptopia.com/ . He goes by the name of Venkman 71. He has a replica of it.
The only problem is, Sean is in the process of selling it to someone he knows that own an ice cream parlor in another state. So it's now on display over there. Sean is working on a 2nd Ectomobile but it's not done yet.
I also told him he has to get permission from Sony if he is going to use that Ghostbusters' car. He told me that the artist is sign on to Sony.
Well, anyway, several days passed and I asked him if he ever contected Sean about the Ectomobile and he said yes. He told me that they bringing the car back to California for him to use it.
I also asked him if I could come by and watch them make the music video. I never seen a music video done before. I have seen t.v. shows and movies made before but never a music video. He told me that I can come by and watch.
I went there and they let me take pictures there. I had a good time there and I talk to a few people there. I asked him how they sync up the video and the music so it will match. He told me that the video and the music are timed and they have the digital clap board. So that's how they can sync the music and video together. I learn something new! :)
I saw the Ectomobile again. The first time I saw it was in Chatsworth when I was driving and I just happen to see it parked on the street next to a Cadilac place. I was happy and sad. Why? The first time I saw it, it was almost show room perfect. But the second time I saw it, it's starting to show it's ago, wear and tear, and rust is starting to appear.
Now the replica Ectomobile is going to have some fame now. It will appear in Mistah Fab music video called "Ghost Ride It". So when the Ectomobile is back on display at the Ice Cream Parlor, people who end up watching Mistah Fab music video will ask the owner of the Ice Cream Parlor, "Did that car appear in Mistah Fab's music video?" and the owner will say, "Yes, that's the original replica Ectomobile that appeared in his music video." :)
(UPDATE: 1-5-06)
Sean decided to convert the Ecto 1 back into a hearse what it was originally. The reason is, he is already working on the 2nd Ecto 1 that will be more movie accurate.
Here's the link to the pictures
I made a small tiny appearance in his video. Look for me as a tourist with a camera in the background. It will be on MTV Jams (Channel MTVJ) all week long starting January 8.
(UPDATE: 1-8-07)
The premiere of the music video have been pushed back until next week. So it will show on MTVJ starting January 15.
(UPDATE: 1-15-07)
There was a delay in the premiere of the music video because of re-editing. It will be on next week starting 1-22-07.
(UPDATE: 1-23-07)
The music video will start showing on MTVJ and MTV2 starting the week of January 29 Monday.
[UPDATE : 1-31-2007]
Here's the link to the video.
I only appear for 2 seconds so if you have trouble finding me, I include a still picture of me in the Photo Bucket.
[UPDATE: 2-6-2007]
Here's the first unedited version of the music video.
I just want to add this. We had a discussion about it at another forum. Ghost riding a car is a very dangerous activity. There have been lots of cases where people got killed doing this. This music video was done professionally with safety in mind. They took every steps to make sure no one get hurt in the making of this music video. Please do not attempt this. Thanks.
key search words : craig c. chen craig chen craig c chen mistah fab mister fab ghost riding 101 atlantic records ghost ride it los angeles music video ghost ridin' 101 sean t-produced ghostbusters ectomobile ecto 1 ecto 1a ghost ride ghost town da yellow bus rydah sean bishop mistah f.a.b.
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